Course Description

Health and Wellness Coaches!
Here is the Place to Deepen the Art of Your Coaching!

These TEN powerful sessions are designed to offer you great insights and inspiration to refine your coaching style and work more powerfully with your clients. 

We take a masterful deep dive into the areas of health and wellness coaching often most challenging. Then, we deepen the learning by witnessing Master Level Coaches in action handling real challenges in the moment, discussing their process and answering questions.

This is a unique opportunity offering all coaches the chance to take their Art of Coaching to the next level and to collect 10 Continuing Education Credits. (NBC-HWC).

Why Can’t I Stop Fixing?

I am a recovering fixer. The content resonated deeply. -Emily Golden, Golden Resources

Join host Marilena Minucci, MS, PCC, NBC-HWC as she welcomes Master Certified Coach, Donna Zajonc for a dive into the "Rescuing" tendencies of many coaches, a pattern that can lead to the disempowerment of clients and a road to burnout for the coach.

We will explore:

  • The Drama Triangle & It's Antidote: TED* (The Empowerment Dynamic).
  • How to Identify your Rescuing tendencies. reactive thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
  • The disempowering nature of Rescuing and the “righting reflex.”
  • Strategies on how to interrupt your own Rescuing tendencies.
  • How to create a more powerful coaching partnership that clearly defines the role of the coach and client.
  • Coaching clients who can also get stuck in fixing or "Rescuing"

About Donna:
Donna Zajonc, is a Master Certified Coach and Director of Learning and Coaching Services for The Power of TED*.   As co-founder of the Bainbridge Leadership Center, Donna collaborates with David Emerald, author of The Power of TED* as both wife and business partner.  Donna and David have worked together to create unique trainings and programs that have changed the lives of thousands.

As a master coach for almost 20 years, Donna is passionate about bringing the unique TED* and 3 Vital Questions frameworks to the coaching community. In the fall of 2019, she launched the her latest coaching course for experience coaches. In 2017, Donna was honored by the Washington State International Coach Federation of the Year for the advancement of coaching excellence.

Donna holds a Bachelors degree in nursing from the University of Missouri and specialized in community health nursing. As the first elected nurse to the Oregon Legislature, she served three terms and was her party’s nominee for Secretary of State.

Coaching Demo with Master Coach, Linda Bark Ph.D., RN, MCC, NBC-HWC

The silence she held for the client was powerful- Michele Loesch,  Victory Wellness LLC

Linda Bark is a Master Certified Coach (International Coach Federation) and a Board Certified Nurse Coach (American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation). She has more than 30 years of coaching experience in her private practice as well as 25 years of training coaches nationwide.

Throughout her career, Linda has pioneered new professional health pathways. In 1970, she started a nursing private practice and in the 80s she worked to introduce holistic nursing to hospitals. In the 90s, she led medical tours to China, lived in China to discover how to help Westerners create a context for Eastern healing, and served as a consultant to organizations nationwide on how to start integral healing centers. 

Linda recently received recognition for her book and the Academy’s course companion, The Wisdom of the Whole: Coaching for Joy, Health and Success, which was awarded an American Journal of Nursing 2012 Book of the Year for Professional Development and Issues. Linda’s integral/ holistic coaching model is an innovative and unique approach to co-creating learning experiences that empower people and help them feel and maintain a sense of ease, fun and fulfillment.

Linda coaches a real-world client who she has never met or spoken to and who is not in the coaching profession. Hearing how a master coach handles challenges in the moment during a coaching session is a gift beyond measure. Working on a different area of the brain, it unlocks a door to understanding and inspires us like nothing else can. When the coaching session is then followed by a debriefing and Q&A, it compounds the learning and helps to anchor it.  

In-Sights of a Master Mentor Coach 

Gail gave us real tools to grab onto. The mileposts provided structure that many coaches need. Love the WAIT acronym. This talk was the most pragmatic.- Lucille P., Healthlink Advocates, Inc.

Master Mentor Coach, Gail Haun, RN, MCC, NBC-HWC shares with us the top "Hot Spots" that challenge coaches as they seek to master the Art of Coaching.

Gail offers guidance derived from years of observation and evaluation to help coaches tune into the Energetics of Coaching.

We will explore tuning into the Energetics of coaching calls including:

  • How to establish a clear and effective coaching contract for the session
  • The most-often missed opportunities by coaches to explore more deeply with the client vs. moving directly into action
  • How to really get to the Juice around coaching goals and plans
  • How to embrace accountability as service to the client
  • How to wrap up coaching sessions on a powerful note

Coaching Demo with Master Coach, Gail Haun, MS, MCC, NBC-HWC

Loved how Gail followed the energy of the conversation and the mileposts.- Otto Siegel MCC Genius Coaching

Gail is a certified personal and professional  life coach from Coach Training Institute in San Francisco and is master credentialed in coaching (MCC) with the International Coaching Federation.

Gail also has her masters in nursing from the University of Colorado with an emphasis in education, and leadership. Serving as Senior Nurse Executive in acute care, she pioneered many innovative delivery systems that fostered collaborative practice, early empowerment models for health care practitioners.

Gail now works in private practice with adults who are seeking a more balanced, fulfilling life.  Among her areas of expertise are leadership development, creating a passionate life, financial health to wealth, career/life transitions, mind-body health and wellness.

Gail's primary focus currently is in Mentoring Coaches preparing for ICF Certification and in Evaluation of  Practical Skills by coaches seeking NBHWC Certification.

Gail will be coaching one of her real-world clients who is not in the coaching profession. Hearing how a master coach handles challenges in the moment during a coaching session is a gift beyond measure. Working on a different area of the brain, it unlocks a door to understanding and inspires us like nothing else can. When the coaching session is then followed by a debriefing and Q&A, it compounds the learning and helps to anchor it.

Coaching Demo with Master Coach, Annette Hurley, MCC, BCC, NBC-HWC

Annette really demonstrated holding the presence and less is rush to completion...listening to energy and place the client is in...tiny steps in action. - Diane Weekley, BCC, Diane Weekley Coaching

Annette Hurley inspires the human spirit to lead, change and transform - in life and business. She is a strategic change leadership consultant, facilitator, and coach and mentor for both leaders and coaches and the businesses they serve. Her focus is on conscious change, mindful leadership, and transformational coaching.

Annette has a particular interest in Health and Wellness as it relates to the Whole-Person approach. She is also a certified Wellness Inventory Coach.

Annette will be coaching one of her real-world clients who is not in the coaching profession. Hearing how a master coach handles challenges in the moment during a coaching session is a gift beyond measure. Working on a different area of the brain, it unlocks a door to understanding and inspires us like nothing else can. When the coaching session is then followed by a debriefing and Q&A, it compounds the learning and helps to anchor it.  

The Magic of Tinier Steps & the Brain

Some good suggestions for helping to move the client forward (ourselves too). Blending theory and practice to help us understand what works and why.- L.F., FeinerHealth

Join Marilena Minucci through the exploration of the efficacy of using tiny steps and the formulation of tiny habits as the building blocks of change.

One of the key reasons that clients often do not follow through on action steps is that they are often too large or poorly formulated.

During this session we will:

  • Examine the elements of well-designed small steps that are in service to the desired outcome for client.
  • Explore how well-designed tiny step /habits ultimately contribute to creating the experience of Flow.
  • Leverage the power of small steps as a strategy to bypass the amygdala and the fight/flight/freeze effect.
  • Learn how to troubleshoot conflicting intentions and limiting beliefs that interfere with the building of new patterns of behavior.

“But I Just Want to Lose Weight”
Navigating the weight conversation with our clients and ourselves.
I feel much more empowered to coach around this now.- Amy Hoogervorst
There are so many layers to unpack while coaching. Super examples.- Alice Cale  New England Integrative Health Coach

Join Nina Manolson MA NBC-HWC who helps women end their war with food and make peace with their body as she explores how to coach clients through the landscape of diet-culture and weight-loss with an eye on the coach’s own limiting beliefs and biases.

We will:

  • Unpack the longing and desire to lose weight
  • Redefine success in our relationship to body and weight
  • Examine the nature of the relationship between food and body
  • How to challenge internal and external diet-talk and diet-culture
  • Review important body-awareness definitions (interoceptive awareness, embodiment, body-liberation, body-peace)
  • Explore Body-Peace & Body-Relationship tools: (sensation, body-listening, self-compassion)

The intention of this session is to:

  • Broaden a coaches tool-kit so they can navigate the complex conversation of weight
  • Explore weight bias and weight stigma in our culture and for ourselves as coaches.
  • Name and offer perspective around the self talk many coaches have “I’m a fraud because I’m not thin”

Coaching Demo with Master Coach Pat Barone, CPCC, BCC, MCC, NBC-HWC

Use of silence was powerful and connecting the breath with the affirmations- Kimberly Eastman Zirkle

I learned so much - Celebrate the Saboteur showing up!!! This is GOOD...- Diane Weekley, BCC, Diane Weekley Coaching

Pat Barone is a master certified coach who works with clients to radically change their lives.

She designed a unique mastermind program for weight loss, enLIGHTen Your Life!, after healing a food addiction, losing 100 lbs. and sustaining that weight loss since the year 2000. 

She celebrated her 20th anniversary of maintaining her weight loss in March and has coached over a thousand clients on four continents towards profound sustainable change.

She has been featured in articles in the Chicago Tribune, Washington Post, Shape, HealthZette Magazine, Huffington Post, Women’s Health and Health Magazine.

She is also an accredited mentor coach to new coaches seeking CTI or ICF certification, as well as an expert on the history, ethics and regulation of the coaching profession. She often speaks at coaching conferences, and trains coaches in her unique techniques.

Pat will be coaching a real-world client who she has never met or spoken to and who is not in the coaching profession.  Hearing how a master coach handles challenges in the moment during a coaching session is a gift beyond measure. Working on a different area of the brain, it unlocks a door to understanding and inspires us like nothing else can. When the coaching session is then following by a debriefing and Q&A, it compounds the learning and helps to anchor it.  

Self-Care is a Non-Negotiable Part of your Job Description.

Loved this! It was golden! Kristi Smeaton, Thedacare at Work

Join the creator of Soul-Centered Self-Care to learn how to use self care as a spring board for your coaching success. Remember, you are your first client

  • How to reframe activities as self-care
  • How to create a framework for building momentum toward your bigger goals using self-care as a cornerstone.

When It's Not about the Weight: A Master Coaching Demonstration
This was just an amazing coaching session. He touched her soul which opened her up and let her show vulnerability- Michele Loesch, Victory Wellness LLC

Real-world coaching demonstration by Confidence Master Coach Ben Dooley CPCC, MCC 

Uh-oh! The client is having a huge emotional reaction! The first question that often comes up is OMG should this be a therapy session?

In this masterful demonstration, we get to see first-hand how to walk the line between coaching and therapy while honoring the client and all of her emotions. Hear how Ben keeps this client (whom he’d never met and who had never been coached before) moving forward and helps her achieve her session goal. This client initially came to the call with the issue of wanting to lose weight and what arose in the session is nothing short of astonishing and heartbreaking.

This is a call every coach needs to hear. It is a brilliant, inspiring demonstration of so many coaching skills and competencies and the debriefing and bonus Q&A is entertaining and full of great learning.  

Any Questions? Please Contact [email protected]

Your Co-Facilitators

Marilena Minucci and Gail Moore

Gail Moore LMT, RMT, CPC of Moore Master Coaching  Marilena Minucci, MS, PCC, NBC-HWC of Quantum Coaching Method

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome: How to Join Live Sessions, Get CEUs & Navigate this Course

    • How to Navigate the Master Coaching Mosaic Course

  • 2

    Session 1: Why Can't I Stop Fixing?

    • Session Overview & Presenter Information

    • Helpful Handout: Brief Overview- The Drama Triangle & TED* The Empowerment Dynamic

    • Session 1: Why Can't I Stop Fixing with Donna Zajonc (video)

    • Learn More from Donna Zajonc

    • Quick Quiz: Session 1: Why Can't I Stop Fixing

  • 3

    Session 2: Master Coaching Demo with Linda Bark

    • About the Master Coach: Linda Bark PhD, RN, MCC, NC-BC, NBC-HWC

    • Quantum Coaching Toolkit- NBHWC Practical Skills & ICF Core Competencies

    • Session 2: Coaching Demo with Linda Bark (audio)

    • Learn More from Linda Bark

    • Quick Quiz

  • 4

    Session 3: In-Sights of a Master Mentor Coach

    • Session Description & Guest, Gail Haun Bio

    • Mileposts for an Effective Coaching Session

    • In-Sights of Master Mentor Coach (video)

    • In-Sights of a Master Mentor Coach (Powerpoint Slides)

    • Learn More from Gail Haun & Other Resources

    • Quick Quiz: Session 3: In-Sights of Master Mentor Coach

  • 5

    Session 4: Master Coaching Demo with Gail Haun

    • About the Master Coach: Gail Haun RN, MS, MCC, NBC-HWC

    • Quantum Coaching Toolkit - NBHWC Practical Skills & ICF Core Competencies

    • Session 4: Coaching Demo with Gail Haun (audio)

    • Learn More from Gail Haun

    • Quick Quiz: Session 4 with Master Coach, Gail Haun

  • 6

    Session 5: Master Coaching Demo with Annette Hurley

    • About the Master Coach: Annette Hurley, MA, HRD, MCC, BCC, NBC-HWC

    • Quantum Coaching Toolkit- NBHWC Practical Skills & ICF Core Competencies

    • Session 5: Coaching Demo with Annette Hurley (audio)

    • Learn more from Annette Hurley

    • Quick Quiz: Session 5 with Master Coach, Annette Hurley

  • 7

    Session 6: The Magic of Tiny Steps

    • Session Description & About Marilena Minucci

    • Session 6: The Magic of Tinier Steps & the Brain (video)

    • The Magic of Tinier Steps & the Brain (ppt handout)

    • Quick Quiz: Session 6: The Magic of Tiny Steps

  • 8

    Session 7: “But I just want to lose weight”

    • Session Description & About Nina Manolson

    • "But I Just Want to Lose Weight" (video)

    • Offerings from Nina

    • Quick Quiz: Session 7: But I Just Want to Lose Weight

  • 9

    Session 8: Master Coaching Demo with Pat Barone

    • About the Master Coach: Pat Barone CPCC, BCC, MCC, NBC-WC

    • Quantum Coaching Toolkit- NBHWC Practical Skills & ICF Core Competencies

    • Coaching Demo with Pat Barone Audio

    • Special Offer from Pat Barone

    • Quick Quiz: Session 8 with Master Coach Pat Barone

  • 10

    Bonus Program #1: Self-Care For The Whole Coach

    • Let's Make Self-Care Non-Negotiable!

    • Self- Care for the Whole Coach (Webinar)

    • The Self-Care Balance Sheet

    • Quadrant Two Living: Living Into the Urgent and Important Matrix

    • Twelve Aspects of Coaching Resiliency

    • Did You Know? A Question for your consideration before taking your Quiz!

    • Quantum Quiz Self-Care for The Whole Coach

  • 11

    Bonus Session #2: When It's Not About the Weight: Master Coaching Demo

    • Real-world coaching demonstration by Confidence Master Coach Ben Dooley CPCC, MCC (105 minute recording)

    • Quick Quiz: Bonus Program #2

  • 12

    Special Offer from Gail Moore & Moore Master Coaching

    • Hear More Demonstrations from our Master Coaches!!!

  • 13

    Thanks for Joining Us: Taking the Survey & Getting Your Certificate

    • Takeaways! A Quick Survey and Your Last Steps!

    • How to get your CEUs for NBHWC and Your Resource CEs for ICF