The material included in this program is for personal and or professional development. Any practitioner using this program agrees to work within the scope of his or her practice, seek guidance as needed from their own mentors or trainers and make referrals as appropriate encouraging their clients and/or patients to take full responsibility for any decisions surrounding their care.

The intent of the course creator is to prove information of a general nature to assist in the quest for mental, emotional and or spiritual wellbeing. In the event you use any of the information in this course for yourself, or for those you work with/treat in the course of your practice or employment, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions and shall not be liable for any loss incurred as a consequence of the use and application, directly, or indirectly, of any information presented in this course.

The author/creator of this course does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form or treatment for physical, emotional or medical problems without the advice of a physician or other appropriate healing practitioner either directly or indirectly. This course is not meant to be a substitute for professional training, therapy or personal coaching.

All rights reserved. No part of this course may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a video or phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted , or otherwise be copied, shared, or uploaded to other private or public platforms without prior permission of the author.

The accuracy and completeness of information provided herein and opinions stated herein are not guaranteed or warrantied to produce any particular results and the advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation.